Saturday, November 24, 2012

Advantages of RSS Feeds

The fun of building a website quickly diminishes once you realize that you are only getting a few visitors each day and they are only ones you have told about your website. The truly sad news is that some of these people fall by the wayside as well and you are left with even less visitors. Keeping visitors coming to your website and gaining more traffic is dependent on what you put into promoting as much as how often and how interesting your information is to your readers. You should be sure to upload new content regularly and be sure to stick to your theme.

RSS feeds are a wonderful way to keep your readers informed while bringing in more traffic. With an RSS feed, your readers do not have to bookmark the page and come back all the time to see if you have uploaded new content. They will have a subscription to your feed that will be sent to their reader so they can read the headlines and short blurbs of your posts. If they are interested in reading more, they will click the link to visit your website.

All you have to do is provide the RSS feed and a subscription button. Nothing could be easier. Now, when your readers see that you are having a sale, introduced a new product, an event, or even a newsworthy article, they will know it as soon as you publish in real time.

Of course, just by adding an RSS feed will not be a miracle solution as you will still have to get the word out regarding your RSS feed. There are various ways you can announce your new feed such as newsletters, guest posts on blogs, and by submitting your feed in RSS directories.

The major advantage is that your readers will automatically know when you have updated your website or blog. One other advantage is that once you get your feed recognized on the net, you will begin to get more traffic, which will be interested in your topic.

There are several companies using RSS feeds today for blogs, forums, articles, discounts, sales, schedules, events, and more. The use of feeds will help your business or organization keep your readers up to date on important information whether you are having a sale, event, or providing local news. With an RSS feed you will have the tool you need to provide real time content to those interested without the need of emailing each subscriber.

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Displaying RSS Feeds

Your visitors will be able to read the latest news as it happens, but they will be able to subscribe to your feed and read it on their desktop, cell phone, web browser, or at a website offering them the ability to keep up to date with several feeds at once. As the publisher of the RSS feed, webmasters determine the content that will be sent out to the subscribers.

For some webmasters, it is easier to syndicate content instead of coming up with fresh content. What this means is that they add an RSS feed to their website and subscribe to others RSS feeds that will display on their website. Therefore, if you have a website pertaining to technology, you would find RSS feeds that provide technology news. The headlines or short blurbs would appear on your website in the RSS feed, thus providing your readers with up to the minute information.

Of course, you will have to decide the best way to display the feed on your website that will enhance your design instead of destroying the effect you desire.

JavaScript is one of the easiest ways to display RSS feeds. In many cases, you will find a small snippet of code that you place on your website and that is it. The way it works is that when a visitor arrives to your website it will detect the visitor and send information to the feed, thus real time information. On the other hand, if you want the keywords from the feed to be grabbed by search engines, JavaScript is not the way to go, as search engines cannot read this type of scripting.

There are other options on the internet that will allow you to grab the code and place it on your website beside JavaScript that can be read by search engines. The websites offering these scripts allow webmasters to customize the feed so it will better fit their website thus making it more pleasant to your visitors.

Another option is Rss2html.php this is a script that uses HTML to display the feeds. HTML is recognized by search engines, thus the engines will be able to index the fresh content faster and more precise.

Whatever script you decide to use should provide your visitors with up to date content as well as being pleasing to the eye. The idea is to bring fresh content to your readers while providing search engines with the data they need to give you the ranking you deserve.

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Online Marketing With RSS

In this article you are going to discover the power of using RSS in your online marketing practice. Actually, a lot of online marketers are not really think about using RSS to help their website. Therefore you will discover how to generate RSS the quickest way, and the correct way of using RSS.

The fastest way of generating RSS

Although there are a lot of websites that can generate RSS by scanning every page in your website, the best way of generating properly formatted and organized RSS is allowing your content management system (CMS) to generate that for you. Those CMS included, but not limited to, Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. By default those CMS systems have already had RSS functionality enabled. All you need to do is to create some contents, and a RSS will be automatically generated.

If you have already had a website in place and don't want to change a lot of your existing website, you can hire a part-time or freelance programmer to help you creating your own RSS feed. Depending on how complicated your website is, usually creating such kind of RSS feed would not take too long.

Now let's talk about how should we use RSS.

Using RSS to help your online marketing

The purpose of using RSS feed is to broadcast real-time update about your latest content. So make sure you are broadcasting contents that are relevant to your target market and your visitors.

The next benefit of using RSS is to bring links to your website. When you submit your RSS feed to various RSS sites, once you publish an article, those RSS sites will immediately show your latest article to their member and search engine. And since those sites will not get all the content from you, a link will be used to linked to your website. If people are interested in your article, they will click on the link and go to your website. Since backlink is a critical element for SEO, having links from those RSS sites can help your website ranking.

In other words, the best way of using RSS is to update your website with unique content regularly. Then once you publish an article, you will instantly get notice by search engine and links to your article.

However, please don't spam those RSS site by submitting content frequently. Depends on the terms of the RSS site, they usually have the power of pull your RSS down to ensure their content quality. So be careful on that.

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Syndicate Your Website Content Via RSS

Not only will RSS help you with providing fresh content to your visitors but also it will save you time. Every time you add a new post, article, press release, or have a sale, you will not have to write an email to along with the content and send it out to subscribers.

The reason is once you have an RSS in place on your website, the title along with a short summery will be sent out via your RSS feed. RSS is nothing more than a technology known as Really Simple Syndication that ensure those that have subscribed to your feed receive real time information in the way of a short blurb.

Now, RSS cannot be read like a website page. The language used is XML so your readers will need to have an RSS reader, a browser that can read feeds or be a member of a website that offers users the ability to stay on top of their favorite feeds all in one place.

Another great usage for RSS for webmasters is that with this technology they can also display a feed on their website and provide fresh content from across the net on the subject matter that pertains to their website. The code is easy to place on the website and will show the title and blurb of all the topics from the websites the webmaster has added to his feed.

Now, when visitors come to your website, they will not only find your new information but can enjoy all the latest news right on your website.

Remember search engine spiders love new content so you will be giving Google, Yahoo, and MSN just what they want as well. The keyword rich title and blurbs will help you gain ranking for your keywords and keyword phrases so you will be able to find yourself closer to the top of the searches for those words.

Using RSS is a win-win situation. Your visitors love the fresh content, they love staying up to date on your latest news, you love the ease of use, and spiders enjoy all gobbling up the news.

Syndicating your website content by using RSS is certainly the way to go. You will be making everyone happy and giving yourself some time to work on other projects. Just remember to use the keywords in the title so you grab targeted traffic that will become subscribers.

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What RSS Can Do for Your Online Business

Online syndication consist in broadcast news and web content by means of feeds, which are generated files with XML format that contain raw information on site updates, news and announcements. Such feed are retrieved by RSS aggregators that a surfer may get to stay informed, or can be republished on external websites wanting to share such content.

RSS is nowadays universally accepted, and being a spam-free way of communication between website owners and surfers, syndicating content can be the key that helps you to unleash the success that your website deserves.

An RSS feed essentially contains titles and descriptions of your content, stripping any format and style element that is displayed on-site as a part of your web design. This way, information is compacted and delivered efficiently to Internet surfers from around the world, what means that RSS feed gives to your business an international projection.

Furthermore, the titles or headlines contained in a feed are usually hyperlinked, what means that clicking on this link takes the surfer back to your source, but that is not all. This link can be also shared among surfers, what means word of mouth advertising. Finally, when your feeds are being syndicated by external websites, yours earn backlinks that contribute to improve page rank and search engine visibility.

RSS feeds are generated from your published content, and therefore this is a good way to keep your customers informed on site updates, which can be descriptive articles, news about merchandise available, or products on stock again.

Internet surfers often retrieve RSS feeds with the aid of a news reader (aggregator) which automatically refresh the content in pre-defined periods of time. There is no more work for you involved to make sure your subscribers will receive those updates because your on-site feeds generator and the surfers' aggregator make the rest of the job once the new content is published.

RSS is not intrusive, what means that surfers will have full control over the feeds they are subscribed too, factor that encourages them to subscribe to your own updates if you make sure to tell them about subscribing. Adding a visible link to your RSS feed or a nice-looking graphic may catch their eye for this purpose, but an orange square enclosing the acronym RSS or XML can do it too.

Because RSS contributes to search engine optimization, syndication also increase traffic for the website serving RSS feeds (the source site) and also to external websites that republish the source content and send back visitors who click on the headlines links.

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