Saturday, November 24, 2012

What Is RSS And How Can I Use It For Online Marketing?

RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication or increasingly it can also stand for Rich Site Summary. It was first developed in 1999 and has evolved a lot since then. If you have a blog, you may have an RSS feed, which alerts interested people in the latest post or update to your blog. People who are interested in what you have to say or sell subscribe to your RSS feeds and get the latest posting as it is published on the web. Internet marketers have been a little slow to realize its potential but they are catching on fast.

An RSS feed can consist of text or an audio or video post at its most sophisticated, although whether or not video and audio posts are received depends on the aggregate reader subscribers have.

It helps with SEO and marketing because when you publish a post the RSS feed can be received by other publishers who can publish your content on their sites, which gives you an automatic backlink which in turn will help your site gain in credibility with search engines such as Google. This means a higher position for your site in the Search Engine Rankings pages (SERPS) which will lead to an increase in traffic to your site and so, theoretically to an increase in your sales. There are millions of online publishers out there, some of whom will certainly be interested in publishing your original content which automatically has backlinks to your website. This means that you can have thousands of backlinks without spending time trying to get them. Doesn't that sound good?

You can download a desktop aggregator which reads feeds from source websites and scans and collects data on the latest finds throughout the web. You and recipients of RSS feeds can choose which feeds to enter and you can customize the service. This is downloadable software which you have to pay for and the best of these aggregator programs will offer technical and installation assistance if you need it and give a complete automation for your submissions to RSS feeds as well as allowing you to use the software on all your domains. For those who are new to computer technology there are also web-based aggregators which are very user-friendly and all you have to do is register, free and start your account.

You may already get the latest weather reports or news through RSS but perhaps you hadn't realized just how powerful it can be as an Internet marketing tool. It works for publishers and recipients as there is no need to send subscribers or members of your site an email to alert them to updates. Interested people will subscribe to your feeds so there is no spam involved, and email boxes do not get clogged up if you update your site on an hourly basis.

The beauty of RSS really is in its simplicity in getting your message across to your target group, instead of resorting (possibly) to phishing or spam emails in an attempt to generate interest in your site or product or service.

There are many people out there who can help you in your quest to start using RSS to its full advantage for online marketing, and e-books too. It is a powerful tool in an online marketer's kit and one well worth investigating further.

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